刘 鉴 饰 曾国藩
发布:2014-08-22 04:30:00
摘要: 月经期间可以服用中药炖鸡吗?在月经期间吃中药是不是应该有所讲究,针对这个问题,医生的答案是,月经期间喝中药其实没什么,但要注意的是,有些活血通络的药物在经期最好不要用,一些凉性的药物,服用过后也最好能自己暖一下肚子,以免引起宫寒。
调查指出,钱江三桥养护管理单位对日常保养工作重视不够,在南引桥桥面开裂,已导致空心板梁出现 单板受力 的现象时,没能及时进行针对性的维修。长期以来,超载车辆频繁通过三桥的现象未能得到有效遏制,直接导致事故发生。
Abstract: The fracturing fluid flowback has great influence on fracturing. The modeling of fracturing fluid flowback in our country is mainly aimed at the conventional sandstone reservoirs, because the plexity of the model has to besimplified, the calculation results is prone to error and deviation. This paper optimized the fracturing fluid flowback modelaccording to the law of conservation of mass flow and the fracture morphology changes, and then used the volume balance principle to solve the model. Giving the quantitative judgment through the pressure change on the crack closing time can provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent discharge nozzle size selection.